
Thursday, July 28, 2005

oy vey

So, and you'll find I start many sentences with so because that's how my mind works, I decided to start a blog, because I was bored one day and had no one to talk to in my little grey cubicle. Also, I looked up the phrase oy vey, which is yiddish for "oh, woe" and wanted to tell people about my discovery. I am thoroughly disappointed that I couldn't use "I love juice" or "hey hermano" as the name for my blogsite, two phrases used by Buster on Arrested Development. Instead, I have to settle for "Teamocil." It comes from Arrested Development as well. It's a song that goes a little something like this:

There's no "I" in Teamocil
at least not where you'd think
So together let's make a choice
And for once we'll be in sync
I never thought i knew you well
But now i think we really gel

Yeah. You should really watch the show to see what I'm talking about. I suppose if you just read the song on this blogsite, it doesn't sound that funny...Anyway
So, there I go again, I looked up jobs today and there are some awesome opennings at CNN and the Washington Post. Hoop dreams, I know. Anyway, my last day at the Baptist Standard is Friday and I'm surprisingly calm about it. Not freaked out that I don't have a job...really. I use a lot of ... in my writing too. So, let's make this a blog about understanding my thought process. When I'm writing something like this, similar to an e-mail to a friend, my writing jumps, much like my thoughts. I think I have undiagnosed ADD. Remember those commercials that were like, "are the channels in your head constantly changing?" "Do you find it difficult to concentrate." It may be because I like to self diagnose myself, but I found myself actually nodding my head to each of their prompts. Oh well. So, I also won't take the time to break this up into paragraphs probably, because well, my thoughts aren't that structured. That would require lots of cutting and pasting and editing and stuff like that. I do that at work, I don't want to do that with my little online blog/diary site. Anyway, I say that a lot too, that's it. I hope I don't regret this :/


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Meredith said...

I just love being a trend setter. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Just so you know, Latas, I'm flattered.

I hope you find a job soon and that it's here in Dallas! Otherwise, you won't be a triathlete with me! :(

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Meredith said...

I'm also very glad to learn the spelling of oy vey. I love it.


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