
Friday, July 29, 2005

It's Friday, I'm in love

Not really. I just like the day. So, maybe I'm in love with the day. Anyway, as of 5 p.m. I'm going to be officially unemployed. Like, I can't just check, student anymore. I have to check unemployed. That's kind of scary. No, what's kind of scary is that I'm not scared. I tend to make a big deal out of nothing and a little deal out of something. This weekend is going to be chocful of denial. I'm hanging out with friends pretty much ever day, which is rare. Not much time to apply to jobs. I guess I can do that on Tuesday. Or part of Saturday. I don't know. We're supposed to go to Six Flags on Monday, so that rules that day out. Still not worried. Ok, starting to get a little worried. So, recently I started watching Felicity season 2. I'm on the last episode and can I just say that I LOVE it! I mean, sure, sometimes I can be very anti-couple, but when I watch a good episode of Felicity or a good romantic comedy (like Bridget) Sometimes I love the idea of being in love. And sometimes I love the idea of guy hating. I'm very torn on the subject. Anyway, let's make a paragraph brake here, just for fun.
Enough about loving and hating things, let's (and I understand it's as if I'm having a conversation with a fictitious person, but really, I'm not, because it's an implied you) talk about where I should live. So, there's Texas, which has it's appeals: big city, friends within the same state and housing for now. But there are drawbacks as well such as tornados, HOTness and lots o' driving. Then there's Connecticut, nice town, good weather (mostly), but living with mom and far away from everybody (fam, friends). In Florida there's too much family and I don't really like California. I should just do what Katie said. Take a map, close your eyes and point to a place. I'm probably not that adventurous though...or maybe I am.


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Meredith said...

My vote is for Texas. Yes, we have tornadoes, but we don't have hurricanes (at least not in Dallas) and we don't have earthquakes. And California has crazy traffic. And it's super-expensive. There - decision made. Texas it is. Now, if you could just find a job... Remember, there's always the possibility of going back to school. :)

At 5:21 PM, Blogger It's Bananas said...

I vote for Texas too... But that is because of Lakepointe Church of course!!!! Texas is a good place to be

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Katie Moore said...

Jocelyn...seriously, you have to stay in Dallas! How many tornadoes have you experienced and you've already been here like 4 years? None. Have I proved my point? I think so!

At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, DUH! Texas, of course. Don't you know that Connecticut is full of Yankees! Florida has hurricanes, alligators, and Fidal Castro is a stone's throw away. California?! Please!! Earthquakes, forest fires, mudslides, traffic jams (I mean really ones, not the pauses we have here), high cost of living, Tom Cruise jumping on your couch professing his love of Katie Holmes. ;-)
Did you know that Felicity was created by the great J.J.Abrams, who also created and writes the Alias and Lost series. For more info goto Hey, I'm impressed with his writing and imagination skills. Those are excellent TV series.


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