
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is love a fancy or a feeling...or a Ferris

"You've got a sweet love hangover and you don't need no cure." --VM

MacFayden eyes...mmm...I love Jane Austen. Honestly, favorite author of all time. So I was thinking, as synical as I can be about relationships sometimes and love, I have to say that, when I watch or read Pride and Prejudice (or it's incarnation, Bridget Jones's Diary) I turn into a big marshamallow. It's coming out on DVD you know. Feb. 28. We're having a PP party that week to celebrate.

So for Valentine's Day I watched the Charlie Brown Valentine's special. Charlie gets all excited about the holiday, because he is enamored with the little red-head girl. He thinks he's going to get a bunch of Valentine's cards, but he doesn't. In fact, he doesn't even get one. All he gets is a little Valentine's candy heart that says, "forget it kid."
Later, when some kids feel sorry for him and offer him a used V-day card, he gladly accepts. Despite Schroder's protests that Charlie is too good for that, Charlie accepts. He is floating on cloud nine at the thought that somebody cared about him for once. So sweet. So sweet.
It seems, no matter how synical and thwarted by love we get, deep down we still want it. We still gladly accept the smallest doses.
So here's to becomming somebody's little red-head girl, even if just for a moment.


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