
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Cheese Stands Alone

And then there was one. I had a roommate...then I had 2 rooommates...and now i have none. My lady is selling her house and moving by Feb. 17th. Happy Valentines to me. My life is sort of at a crossroads...crossroads...crossroads ("meet me at the"). Sorry, i broke out in my head, of course. I feel like Two Face from Batman Forever, but my coin has infinite sides. "Should I stay or should I go?" Oh, isn't that always the question. Wait, that's only 2 choices. So, why does it feel like such a huge deal? How is it that I've made friends, yet, cannot find a roommate? What should I be doing with my life? Why am I still in Texas? Why do I talk to myself on a blog? I'm not really sure. I have no answers for these questions. I should just try going it alone. I'm an independent woman...or at least I can be. Then I can live wherever (well, within reason...salary is slim) and turn into a hermit whenever i want and leave my room as messy as I want. hmmm...better start searching. All I need is a decent size room, internet access, cable, tivo and esentailly I'm set. Living alone can't be so bad. Bridget Jones did it. Lots of female leads in romantic comedies live alone. First apartment...then high-powered newspaper job...if that's really what i want to do. i don't really know anymore. So, I'm trying to make this post funny or something but really...i'm sorta kinda pissed off at the entire situation.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Meredith said...

You are more than welcome to share my couch with Dylan!! He'll keep you warm!


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