
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Falling in love

...with running of course. Yes, yesterday I fell back in love with running. For a while, it hadn't been as great as it used to be but after yesterday that all changed. I was at the gym and I was on the stupid eliptical maching (i can't run every day because of my knees) and for the last 10 minutes I just got this surge of energy. Somewhat of a second wind. I was itching to run. So, I hopped off the crap machine and onto the treadmill. I scrolled to the perfect songs on my little ipod and viola. it was like my eyes opened for the first time that day. The treadmill became my punching bag. Needless to say, I ran longer than 10 minutes and afterward I felt so powerful. I work out for more than my physical health. Mostly I lug myself out of bed every morning for my mental health. When I was in school it was the free time I had to think about my life and all the drama in it. "Deep thoughts" paired with a good soundtrack equal gold. By the end of each workout I had figured something out, (the meaning of life, what to wear, how to get everything done, how to fix boat issues, etc. etc.) and now I have that again. For a while I just went through the motions but now I'm back and I love it. I give credit to the sport of running and the song Adrenalin by Bush...and lots of Linkin Park. Yes, listening to angry music and pretending you're problems are the biggest in the world actually does lead to a really good workout. It also helps when there are cute boys around...I digress...

Part two:
I know I've said this a few times, but I'd like to thank my friends for being my friends. Honestly, I would get sick of me. I have this annoying habbit of neurotically spilling details about all of my problems to them and they have this amazing way of listening and giving advice without acting completely irritated. So, thank you for that :) I like to think that my college roommate and I compliment each other. She studies psychology and counseling and I could probably use some.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Meredith said...

Honey, I get sick of me all the time, and so far people keep putting up with me. Must be patience granted by the holy spirit or something. So you thank your friends for being your friends, we thank you for being you. :)

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Katie Moore said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One man's "annoying neuroticism" is "endearing charm" to another. :)

Be sure and check out my farewell post.

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...I haven't read this in awhile. Makes me remember how much I love you. (and you're not that annoying...hehe) ;)


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