
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Changing your stars

two blogs in one!? Well, I thought I should follow up my previous whiney post with an extremely cheesy, but inspirational, line from some Heath Ledger movie. Sorry, I've sunk to a new low. Anyway, though slightly rediculous, this line inspired me to get over it and do something about it. No more moping about people or my life. I need to just get out there and find somewhere to go and people to go with. No more sad songs that remind me of "better" times. I need to make new great times set to new great music. Something worth capturing on a digicam and posting on facebook, perhaps. :) I will be an optimist. I will.


At 8:09 PM, Blogger Katie Moore said...

Could you please define WTF? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

At 7:46 AM, Blogger D said...

well...i think you know what it stands for. Yes, I do have a dirty sailor mouth when i'm stuck in traffic, but not I won't define that. We're going to keep this blog PG.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger D said...

yes. i believe the line is from "A Knight's Tale." His dad, John Thacher tells him, "Change your stars and live a better life than I have." Other memorable quotes from this B-list movie are:

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."

"He's blond, he's pissed, he'll see you in the lists, Lichtenstein! He's blond, he's tanned, he comes from Gelderland, he comes from Gelderland!"

Hmm...not such a bad movie afterall, now that i think about it. Wasn't that Chaucer great? Besides, the leading lady has my name...and it's spelled the same ;)

At 7:45 AM, Blogger D said...

what is it with guys and hair? My high-school crush used to play with my hair all the time. When Felicity...err Kari Russell cut her hair it was a big to-do. what gives?


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