Real Life: Freshman Year
So, I did it. I survived my first year out of college. Wow. So much has happened in a year, it’s crazy. I’ve definitely had tightrope walking moments during which I felt like I was dangerously close to spiraling into a deep hole of carelessness. But the kicker is that I didn’t. I was always semi scared of being by myself, but you’re never really by yourself, now are you? I think that I’ve definitely grown stronger this year. I gave my first speech without losing it. I’ve faced awkward situations head on and without buffers. I survived without a best friend by my side (only accessible by phone). I think I’m starting to get the hang of this grown up thing (knock on wood). Yeah, I’ve definitely had my immature moments (many, many of them), but who doesn’t, really?
Let’s recap: Freshman year, high school--painfully awkward. Freshman year, college--exciting and slightly scary…but mostly exciting. Freshman year, real world--a mix of college and high school reactions, I think…but with a twist…a side of moments of maturity--paying most of my own bills, signing a lease to my own apartment, making older, wiser friends (wink wink), adjusting to the 8-hour work day, coming to terms with a growing number of friends saying “I do,” etc. Now, obviously I’m still only I’m not switching to ally mcbeal-esq. suits and briefcases just yet. I still have a strong urge to do immature things, and I sort of hope that never goes away. Yeah, I do get obsessive about stuff and I do get inspired easily, but I like that about myself. I want to laugh to the point of silent laughter and slight asphyxiation. I want to go to Disney World or Land at least once a year. I want to continue making meaningless cd mixes for my friends (seriously, those aren‘t meaningless, they‘re awesome). I want to scream on rollercoasters and eat cotton candy and cracker jacks at baseball games. Ok, you’ve just experienced a rant. Sorry. Anyway it’s been a crazy, crazy year filled with not all good times. Many, many tears shed. Many, many life-contemplative moments. Many, many Coldplay-listening, curled up in a ball watching the rain sessions. But, also, many, many small victories that counted for so much more. Ready for summer after college, round 2.
By the way...power of persuasion worked--my mom is no longer moving to Houston!!! Love it! More options, more options...this time next year I could be Gilmore Girlin' it up in CT...hmmm...tempting...
Year in Review:
Number of companies worked for: 5
Number of “company trips”-2
Number of new friends made: 12
Number of new friends lost (directly and through association) and now have to avoid: 5 (that’s probably not a great track record. Will try harder in the future)
Number of cell phones gone through: 4
Number of theme park visits: 5
Number of blog entries: …yikes. Sorry, I had too many thoughts this year. Feel free to tell me, too much information, when I need to “check myself.”
Number of mini crushes: 5
Number of massages: 1 paid one…7 or 8 at the chiro. Paid one was better and less painful.
Number of car accidents: 1
Number of phone calls to college friends just to vent: hundreds
Number of broken cell phones: 3
Number of new embarassing workout classes tried: 4
Number of nights just to go out and have fun: not enough
Number of churches attended-2...1...2 (same church, different campuses)
Number of fair/carnival visits-1
Number of visits to aquarium-1
Number of Dart rides-2 (still need to plan my Dart day. It will happen)