
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring forward, this morning I woke up an hour late, because my phone didn't switch time automatically in time...anyway, it since has switched. But, after lounging around for hours...I decided to get control of my life. I need to clean out the cob webs, not only in my house, but also in my life. So, because music is sort of a huge part of my life, I went on ITunes and downloaded some tunes for my Summer Love mix. Cheesy, yes. But, I've decided to come to terms with the fact that I am, and always will be, a total cliche. I just want to be one of those good cliches. I need to get it together. I think the breaking point was when I was standing on the elevator with a brown sweatshirt, black shoes, and a black purse. Not only did I not match, I also was struggling to balance a cup of coffee, my breakfast, my mismatched purse, and a bottle of water. When you start to not match, you catch yourself wearing Baylor paraphernalia almost every day and you're hair is a constant mess...something's wrong. So, I've made a deadline for myself. I need to completely straighten crap out before my birthday which, in case you didn't know, is June 7th. I probably will be spending that weekend in San Diego with my mom and sister (love it). But, I'd like to have fun in Dallas as I need to not be a pathetic mess by then. So, check-off list to getting it together includes:

Really clean my apartment so that I don't have to apologize for my mess every time somebody comes over
Apply for real jobs, not just starbucks and barnes and noble
Meet some of my neighbors, besides the limo driver across the hall (though he could be a good contact to have...)
Get out of the apartment enough for my freckles to come out. Don't really like freckles, but I do need to see the sun sometimes (and not through the window at work or at the gym). Also, I think my whiteness frightens people...I'm like an albino Hispanic
Clean out my car
Figure out if I'm going to stay in Dallas after my lease runs out
Find an entourage ;)
Stop snoozing

Ok, well, that pretty much sums it up for now. And, on that note, I'm off to the gym, then more cleaning while watching Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives...Countdown to birthday: 66 days. If you have any additional check-off points, feel free to post them


At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should buy something like a clock. You know, that thing that tells TIME.


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