
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Rainy Days and Sundays...err...Mondays

Rainy days don't really get me down...they kind of make me slow down and take a break from everything. Saturday it rained and we watched Zoolander :) Today it rained and I watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and 13 Going on 30...and now I'm listening to Coldplay. Such a great, lazy, hazy day. I truely enjoyed, as John Mayer says, the "great indoors."
Can I just say that I LOVE my apartment. I mean, I really love it. And my bed. I think my bed is my favorite place to go. I could write a 4th-grade-inspired essay about it. My down comforter is so crinkly...mmmm... Though I love my apartment, it has its not-so-classy moments. On Saturday somebody's dog apparently pooped in the elevator and the owner didn't clean it up. Grose. So, somebody left a nasty note. heh. sorry, the word poop makes me laugh now. heh. ok. anyway, so Zoolander is probably one of my favorite funny movies ever. I have to say that I am a huge Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson/Luke Wilson/Vince Vaughn/Will Ferrell/Jimmy Fallon fan. Granted, they are getting a little too popular, but they're still funny. Dodgeball was sort of not as funny, but Shanghi Noon, Zoolander, Swingers, Old School, Anchorman, Bottle Rocket (2 words?) etc. etc. --all very good movies. I just want to highlight some of the better quotes from our Saturday-night-flick fest. Basically just thinking about Will Ferrell's face as a little girl licking a lollipop makes me laugh.

"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills"--Mugatu
"Are you not aware that I get gassy and bloated from a foamy latte?"--Mugatu
"Who you getting crazy with ese? Don't you know I'm loco?"--Hansel
"Pop, I think I've got the black lung"--Derrick
"Child labor laws are silly and outdated" --Mugatu
"Obey my dog"--Mugatu


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