
Thursday, March 09, 2006


Oh Grey's Anatomy. So, I just wanted to say that I love getting messages and mail in basically any form (except bills, bombs, etc). I love e-mails, comments on blogs, phone messages (probably the best), packages in my mailbox (no, this is the best), facebook messages, you get what I'm saying. Anyway, when I get a missed call on my phone that I don't know the identification to, I get really curious. Especially if that number is a Texas number. One because, since my phone is now a Connecticut number, the odds of someone in Texas misdialing a Connecticut number are slim. And two because I like hearing my phone ring (I just got a new ringtone) and the missed call is a missed opportunity for that, obviously. But seriously, I think the curiousity is all about the mystery. Who's on the other line, and why didn't they leave a message? I even look up the area code sometimes...Unfortunately those that do leave a message usually are congressman trying to get my vote, a machine recording, or... a wrong-number text message...which happened once and was a Connecticut number. They were like, "what are you girls doing tonight." yeah. Oh look, I just got a call. heh. Anyway I just thought I would share my bordering-on-obsessive curiousity.


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Meredith said...

I hate mail. Seriously, I LOATHE it. It's just crap. There is nothing that I ever get in the mail that could not be more effectively given to me in electronic format. Bills, thank yous, etc. And then if I didn't want them, I could just click delete. Regular mail? You have to deal with all the freaking PAPER! And most of it I have to shred. And then some of it I feel like I have to keep and file (and then move from place to place when I move) even though I almost NEVER go back and look at any of it. When I moved to this apartment, I didn't check the mail for 5 months. I didn't even know where the mailbox was.

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Meredith said...

Don't worry, David. My roomie checked the mail more often than I did.


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