
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Homecoming comeback...waco or bust

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

This weekend was Baylor homecoming and when people ask, "how was it," I have to say, it was good and bad...actually a lot more bad than good. I'd call it the bipolar weekend. It had it's ups, wait, what were they again? Um...Mr. Snow?! And it had it's downs; three days of awkward hellos and letdown after letdown. The bonfire was...practically desserted. When we were getting there we had to dodge a sea of people, including the marching band, walking in the opposite direction. That should have been the first clue. Anyway, I'm not going to go into great detail because honestly, who cares? I will say that it was surreal. I felt old and young at the same time. Old because I was no longer a student and young because my emotions were at a 14-year-old, overly sensitive, wacked-out level. You want to know what weird is? Weird is going back to your college apartment after it has been emptied and taking a nap on your old bed with someone else's sheets. Weird is visiting all of the familiar places and finding them completely remodeled. Weird is visiting those changed places without your college roommate. And perhaps the weirdest thing is trying to grasp a tiny bit of the past and feeling like you've been slapped in the face when you do. Things are different. Life is different. People are different...a lot different. For the first time, I never felt so happy to pack up my stuff and go. I'm not sure exactly what happened, it all seemed like that nap I took on Saturday afternoon after the football game--a hazy swirl as my mind faded in and out of conciousness. I just know that for the first time since I've been in Garland, I felt a sigh of relief as I walked through my (Linda's) front door. Makeshift home sweet makeshift home.

And just so that you don't think I'm overly dramatic, you don't have to take my word for it....

"Homecoming comeback? More like homecoming crapback." -- Katie

"we should start a facebook group called somethin like 'i thought i missed baylor until i went back for homecoming and it sucked.'"--Renee


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