
Saturday, October 22, 2005

i think i'm turning japanese

I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new--Death Cab for Cutie

So, I've started watching Laguna Beach (the real O.C. or so the ads say) and the theme song is by Hilary Duff. Such a crappy singer, I know. Such a crappy song...or is it? Proof that advertising works. If you hear something enough you start to think...not so bad. And now I think it's catchy. This is sad. I need new music. Well, that's not totally true. I love the newest Death Cab cd, Jason Mraz cd and Coldplay cd, which all cover my gloomy moods set aside for drizzly, dreary, chilly, perfect days. But I do need some new catchy, dance around music for sunny, crisp, fall days.

Are my blogs getting boring? I feel like they are.

I've been thinking lately...scary...and I've come to the conclusion that I need a distraction in the form of class crushes. You know when you're in school and you get semi-class crushes on boys? Yeah, that's what I need. Someone to keep you in check. Someone to get giddy over. Just a pawn, really. Donde esta senor Darcy? OR, again, maybe i should just join a book club or take up a new hobby or something. hmmm...I'm restless. You'd think that with my borderline ADD I could just talk to myself in a corner, but really, I don't think it works that way.


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