
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

all grown up...almost

I recently rediscovered Counting Crow's cd, Hard Candy. It makes me think of sophomore year, starting a new year in a new apartment with my two best college friends. Each morning we would pick a different cd to listen to while we got ready for class. This one was played often. We even tried to use the song, American Girls, as a background song to our answering maching (dorky, I know). It never worked because every time there was a power glitch, the system would reset, so we kept the cryptic computerized message that comes with the machine. So, yeah, at the beginning of the summer I felt really lost and really sad all the time because for some reason I thought that since college was over, life was over and it's not. Not really. I mean, yes, working 8 hours a day is not the greatest, but it's not so bad if you like your job. Also, I have friends now that I could actually stick around for, scary concept, I know. I think that Dallas is growing on me, despite the incesant heat (apparently, this is the hottest recorded September, lovely). Anyway, if I ever get a permanent job with benefits and all, I would like to get an apartment and actually try to be independant. I think that I would like to have a roommate though, so if anyone else is taking that leap soon too and are not feeling quite that independant yet, let me know. Yes, I am kind of messy...ok, really messy, but I can make tofu....and I, well, I can't think of any other tallents at the moment. Anyway, so, that's my desperate plee for a roommate. No, not desperate...hopeful? nonchalant? Don't worry, I don't normally ramble like this in real life...that much. Here's a little diddy from the infamous cd that sparked this random blog:

American Girls:

She comes out on Fridays every time
And stands out in a line
I could've been anyone she'd seen

She waits another week to fall apart,
she couldnt make another day
I wish it was anyone but me
I could've been anyone you see
She had something breakable just under her skin

American girls all weather and noise
Playing the changes for all of the boys
Holding a candle up to my hand
Making it feel so incredible

She comes out of closets every night
But then she locks herself away
Where she could keep everything from me
I could've been anyone you see
She's nothing but porcelain underneath her skin


At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, woman. (Notice I said 'woman.') I'm rubbing off on you, huh? Time to grow up. Next thing you know, you'll be swearing off boys and only be attracted to men!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Katie Moore said...

I don't think being able to make tofu is a positive roommate criteria. But maybe that's just me...


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