
Sunday, October 09, 2005

I'm a Ryan

I recently realized that I have become a Ryan Atwood. For those of you who are not in the know, let me tell you a little about this puppy-dog-faced character from the O.C. No, I don't wear wife beaters, and no I don't think i'm from the wrong side of the tracks, and no, i don't have a neurotic, cute, funny friend named Seth (sigh), but I am a faux-orphan. That's right, a faux-orphan. I have a pattern of adopting myself into other families and friend groups. My first set of best friends were already best friends before I came into the picture. And then there were three. When I went to Spring premiere before attending Baylor, I think i was the only kid without my a family i met, adopted me for the weekend. And now, i've adopted myself, at least temporarily, into jan's family and renee and katie's friendship. It's very odd. What got me thinking about this? Well, I can blame it on the upcoming holidays. Yes, I do have a family and we're going to see them this Christmas in Florida. We haven't been during the holidays in like 5 years. Before, going used to be a regular thing, but it stopped when I was a freshman in college. That was the first year we said "no, not gonna do it." We stayed in CT and had a relaxing holiday. So, we're taking the plunge and facing the fam this year. distressing. We kind of have an arrested development family...only it's more disfunction, less funny. if it were, i would be more than happy to go. Imagine having a Tobias, Buster or a George Michael, what fun. Anyway, i won't air out all my dirty laundry, I will just say that because of this, I have definitely become a faux-orphan, thus Ryan Atwood--puppy dog face and all.


At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, it's faux not pho. Second of all, you didn't adopt yourself, we adopted you! So there!

At 10:25 PM, Blogger D said...

tomato, tom-ah-to...i fixed it :p


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