
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

ode to naps and coffee and jim

As much as it sucked getting up at 4:30/5 a.m. everyday for 3 1/2 years of crew practice, I have to admit, I miss the wonderful naps that followed. You might not know it, but naps at 7 a.m. are the best after a hard practice followed by a shower. I guess you can't really enjoy a nap unles your completely exhausted. Another great time to nap, 3 p.m. I miss naps. If I had never exhausted myself, then I would never have enjoyed the two things that snap me out of my dream state: naps and coffee. Obviously college and Starbucks has something to do with my coffee loving, but I think it must also be in the genes. My mother and father, both coffee lovers. My sister and brother, also coffee lovers. My grandmother, coffee addict. I suppose some may say I'm addicted also, but I know I can quit, I just don't want to. Who does, really? I already had to give up my weekday naps. You can't really take them after work, because it's only a couple hours to real sleep. Anyway, i'm going to be add and switch subjects....So, the office... is a great show. I watched it tonigh. It's like watching a really funny mini-romantic comedy every tuesday. Jim is great. I think I could stand working at a place like that if I had a Jim.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Meredith said...

Sunday afternoon naps are the best. I love them. I can get no better sleep than on Sunday afternoons. Although, I just got back from lunch where I took a 30-min nap. Had to drink a Red Bull when I got back to work so that I could function again. Ahh, but it was worth it.


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