
Monday, August 29, 2005

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

So, you know that high you get when you finish your finals, second only to that high you get when you have a crush on a boy? Well, I've found something to top it. I've now experienced a new high. A buzz you get from getting a phone call from a job for an interview!!! Two this week. Well, the first one wasn't for an interview, just to go take some tests that would lead to an interview. The other one for an interview in CT as an assistant editor. Sweet! But, let's not get hasty. I mean, I have yet to experience the job-offer high, but soon, i can tell. "Something's coming, I don't know what it is but it's gonna be great!" -- West Side Story. Couldn't help it. So, there are two possible future senarios. . .picture this.... Living in Dallas, heat, own apartment, freedom, some friends and not a lot of moving. Living in Connecticut, lots of pretty sweaters (felicity music in the background), living for free (but with mom), lots of moving, trader joe's ;) and more. Hmm....we'll see what happens with the boy scout thing on wednesday first before anything is decided. Scouts honor.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

oh bugger bugger

Looking for a job is exhausting! Also, I hate being a human answering machine. And, this is going to be one of those whining posts. So, I have this recurring tornado dream that started after I graduated from high school. I got it again a few nights ago, but this time, it featured the Salingers. That's right, me and the Party of Five gang. On a similar note, there is a hurricane in Florida. . Katrina. :( Hope family is ok down there. So, at work, all I do is read and read and read. I read The Jane Austen Book Club and now I'm reading Persuasian. Maybe I'll join a book club. Or start one...ok, that's it. short and sweet. not so sweet.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm addicted to you

So, I've recently caught the reading buzz. Something clicked inside of me after I read English as a Second Language and I started doing something I haven't done since middle school, read like there's no tomorrow. I used to get so lost in books that I would tune out from the rest of the world. It was like a drug. I would sneak a flashlight under my pillow so I could stay up late and read. I would hide my books in my desk at school and read during class (probably why I missed out on some things, like percentage). And now, with this crappy new temp job, I can read on the job and I do, but it doesn't stop there. I read walking to my car, in traffic, during my lunch break, it's insane. I feel like I've rediscovered a part of myself. And so, all of this reading prompted me to do a little writing of my own, thus this blog. I'm currently reading the second summer of the sisterhood (a sequel to the cheesy sisterhood of the traveling pants). I know, I know, it's not exactly Shakespeare, but it feeds my addiction, as it is a light read and I can pick it back up easily through stop signs or phone calls with disgruntled customers. So, subject change, let's go over some key highlights of my weekend in Waco, shall we?
This weekend I delt with a couple first, my first professional massage and my first encounter with a truly truly drunk person. Ok, maybe I'm a little sheltered. I've been around drunk people before, but this one was annoying, not funny, and relied on complete strangers (Aline and I) to take care of her. She thanked us by spilling orange juice on us, pushing me out of my chair and basically making a scene (almost falling out of the chair she pushed me out of, trying to get more alcohol, locking herself in the bathroom, etc). It was a big mess. One I never want to be a part of again. Ok, that's my little bit of crap weekend. . .now on to pure bliss.
The massage was amazing and I recommend it to anybody considering getting one. My masseus said I had a lot of tension in my back and soon enough, I agreed. I mellowed out a lot afterward. I just wanted to go home, melt into my bed and drift off to sleep. It was amazing. That reminds me, I need to go get an egg crate for my bed, what have I been waiting for?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

workin' 8 to 5

Wait. That's not how the song goes. It's workin' 9 to 5. Dolly decieved us all. Tomorrow I start my temp job from 8 to 5. Hopefully they won't find out that I'm not the Spanish whiz my resume claims me to be. They'll be thrown by the skin color and freckles, sure, but hopefully I can dazzle them with my fake accent. People used to assume, just because my hair was black that I was hispanic. Now, it's not so easy. They want the stereotype, dark hair and skin, so cliche. So, this weekend I'm going to Waco for a going away party and a birthday celebration! V. excited. But, first I have to get through this week. No, not through, I won't think of it that way. Maybe I will meet some very interesting people working at the city of Garland. It's kind of weird to say I work at the city of Garland. Why doesn't it have a real name? I mean, it almost sounds like I'm being cheeky. where do you work? At the city of garland. See what I mean? Anyway, Jan's graduation party was a success. Props to the gui-tar player, Noel. I also got my hair cut this weekend, such a great experience. My stylist, Bruno, was very nice to look at and I don't think he was gay. Also, when he washed my hair he gave me a head masage. Lovely. This is why you can't skimp on haircuts. You pay the price in tears if you choose cheeply. And you don't always get a guy like Bruno, so where's the fun in that? Anyway, hopefully future posts will be filled with funny stories from my new coworkers. Real edgy, smart, witty, ahahaha stuff, not slap stick, cheap thrills, obvious comedy. If I've lost you, sorry. For now, I'm going to sleep.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm in a glass case of emotion

I went to a temp agency today and got a billingual customer service rep job with the city of garland for monday. It could be for a couple of days or a month, it's kind of up in the air. So, I feel messed up and lost half the time and happy the other half. Right now, I'm feeling the former. I watched the sword in the stone today. it was one of my favorite disney movies and it's still good after all these years. sigh. Sorry Jan's dog ("cottontail"). I blamed him for eating my earring, but he didn't. I found it. My thoughts are extremely jumpy today. I don't know what I want to do with my life. I think that's the problem. I'm stuck in this rut and I don't know what to do. So, i stay home and watch disney movies and tv shows like felicity. today i started watching a spanish soap opera on univision, Inocente de ti. It looks cheesy, but i think i might start watching it to brush up on my Spanish. It always worked. I used to be hooked on like 3 at a time. They're my guilty pleasure. right, so what was the point of this blog? I think it was to rant and rave about my life, but i don't really want to anymore. I've thought about it and i've changed my mind. i can figure this out. I mean, everyone had to finish school and get a job. this isn't so tough. i'm not completely stupid. i think i have some skills. i mean, i can blog. i am thouroughly updated on actors and movies (a fine quality, i know). i'm very skilled in the art of away messages on AIM....let's see....and run-on sentences apparently. Yeah, I can do this...I think.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means."
Ahahaha. Wow. I love the movie the Princess Bride. "Are there rocks ahead?" "If there are, we'll all be dead." "No more rhymes now, I mean it!" "Anybody want a peanut?"
So, I've started writing ahahah instead of hahaha, because I think it makes for a more hearty laugh. Try saying it out loud one time and you'll notice the difference.
Yesterday we went to Six Flags! So much fun, despite the incessant heat and semi-long lines. Definitely a much-needed break from real life or something like it. After riding the Texas Giant I got a glimpse into the effects of aging. The whip-lash effect, though slightly fun, caused back pain mixed with prayer for the ride to end sooner rather than later. Other than my grandma moment, I had a really good, pain-free time.
Anyway, today I did pretty much nothing. Well, nothing that would help me get a job. I spent lots of time on the internet applying for a job (not more than one), but the internet site wasn't working, so, alas, my efforts were waisted. So, logically, I decided to go get a manicure. It's ok, tomorrow I will start afresh. Aside from news about my job search....did you know that IKEA is openning tomorrow? That's right! It's only my favorite home store ever. And don't take that lightly just because I never really liked home stores. Oh cheap, Swedish furniture.
So, after watching the Princess Bride, I started thinking, hey, wouldn't it be great if the Wonder Years was on DVD? I think so. So, I checked such luck. Oh well, hopefully they will soon.
You know what else is exciting? Jason Mraz is coming out with a new cd and I bought a new smelly candle. Right, so, now I'm boring myself and I think I'm going to go to sleep. Remember, tomorrow, new day, new search.
"Why are you wearing a mask? Were you burned by acid or something like that?"
"Oh no, it's just they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future." -- oh Cary Elwes :)